EPGP Attendance Sync #1

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to moonfann
  • _ForgeUser44166 created this issue Oct 23, 2010

    After the first whisper to get on the Wait List in Head Count it would be nice if anytime EPGP is awarded that the folks on Wait List could be assigned EP based on if they are on the Head Count Wait List, and if the officer note could be checked to verify if in alt is in-game and on-line at the time of the award, adding the appropriate main to the wait list (EPGP has the name of the main character put in Officer notes of alts).  There was an abandoned project that details this better: http://www.wowace.com/addons/epgpwaitlist/

  • _ForgeUser44166 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 23, 2010
  • _ForgeUser112264 posted a comment Nov 16, 2010

    This is something I am very interested in as well. We use EPGP and EPGP lootmaster to track loot distribution and assign points. The biggest issue I have with EPGP is the inability to track attendance. Call me old fashion, but I like to see 7, 14, 30, 60 day attendance % and many guilds tie player attendance with guild rank.

    Currently, we are forced to have players who drop raid whisper BOTH addons. EPGP for Points Headcount for Attendance

    I would love to see an intergration of these add ons (Separate add on? or intergrated?) which would allow users to whisper one location for the waitlist and have that translate to both add ons.

    The abandoned project listed above was flawed as no export or synch function was available. This required the player running it to have 100% attendance for meaningful numbers. (Useless)

  • moonfann posted a comment Dec 5, 2010

    HeadCount2 now has a Attendance view that will show 30,60,90 and total attendance based on raids it knows about.

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