Auctioneer/Datastore support for mats #265

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser280725
  • _ForgeUser154347 created this issue Jan 1, 2011

    Please describe the enhancement you have in mind.  Use current functionality as the starting point for your enhancement.

    I've seen the plugin for Bankitems and although Bankitems is ok, BI doesn't support many of Auctioneer/Datastore's features like recording which character knows what glyph/recipe. A/D does therefore swapping to BI would be a backward step.

    It's wishful thinking but could it be made an optional dependency so that we can get a column showing if mats are in the bank/on an alt rather than using bank items?

  • _ForgeUser154347 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 1, 2011

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