"Show only dispellable debuffs" - Still unresolved? (#62?) #309

  • littlebigjenny created this issue May 12, 2024

    I really appreciate this add-on, thank you so much, but as a healer I cant get it to "Only show dispellable debuffs" on my friendly unit frames? (Arena ->Party->Auras->Debuffs)


    I notice some posts from the past about this, but cant find a concrete solution.  When the box is unchecked it shows everything and the kitchen sink, when I do select this much needed option, it shows nothing.


    (And trying to solve it with filtering list gets complicated, because there is no separation of Black/White lists per Buff or Debuff section.)


    Is it because im a priest? and my dispell is called PURIFY? I saw somebody went into the code and started messing around with it, and they said they got it to work for their Shaman, but I dont know how to even open that config file, or w/e it is, and dont know the coding syntax at all. It would be a trial and error nightmare.


    It was mentioned Jan 25 2023  "I released 2.6.1, which should fix it" - Is it fixed for everybody else? What am I missing?


    Please help me with this issue. Everybody says "Use this instead, or this, or that instead, blah blah...", but ive already spent so much time customizing other lists and settings for this, I dont want to throw it all in the garbage and start over.


    Everything else is perfect! I just cant SEE when I can remove something my allies need dispelled. Its either overwhelming useless clutter, or nothing at all. Very frustrating.

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