Suggestion: Filter Quick Access / LDB Improvement #43

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to moonfann
  • Mark_in_AJ created this issue May 15, 2010

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    An easier and quicker way into the filter section of the configuration window.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    We have a LDB button to use to open the configuration for Gathermate. What we don't have is a faster way in to the filters area where I think most of us spend most of our time using.

    Right now, or a fresh login or reload of ui if you click the LDB button it opens up the configuration window and it defaults to a blank window at the "Display Settings" tab. Then we have to click that red plus sign to expand it in order to access the Filters tab, then we have to again click the red button next to that to access the five different filters. And after we are on a the filters tab it's a blank window still (with no actual filter selected yet).

    Please consider letting us just left-click on the LDB button to put us directly into the first filter which would be Fish in this case since it's at the top of the list.  From there we can go about our business of choosing nodes.

    I imagine that if you did consider this change to the LDB button that your first instinct might be to let us use shift+left-click to access the filters since you already have left-click assigned to opening up the configuration window to it's default way.  But wouldn't you almost agree that the Filter's area is probably the most used area of the configuration window?  Therefore, one less key press (using shift key modifier) is easier =)


  • Mark_in_AJ added the tags New Enhancment May 15, 2010

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