FriendsFu No workign with RealID #4

  • New
  • Patch
Assigned to elkano
  • Pandion1872 created this issue Jun 23, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version

    2.4.4 - r103


    PAtch is needed for FriendsFu. When yhou convert a freidn to realID FriendsFu no longer recognizes them adn does show them as beign online.

    Installed Addons

    _NPCScan - _NPCScan Ackis Recipe List - v1.0-r2818 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.3 Altoholic - Altoholic 3.3.002 Atlas - Atlas v1.16.1 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.11.02 Auctionator - Version 2.6.3 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.8.4723 Bartender4 - 4.4.2 Baud Bag - v3.3.4 BloodyRare - BloodyRare-1.5 Broker_Portals - 1.8.7 Carbonite : Carbonite - 3.33 Cartographer - v2.5.6 CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.48-r4094 Decursive - 2.5.0 DrDamage - 1.7.8_release DropTheCheapestThing - v3.5.3 Fishing Buddy - 0.9.8o Fishing Buddy -- Tracking - 0.9.8k FlightHUD - v0.9.17 FuBar - FriendsFu - 2.4.4 - r103 FuBar - GuildFu - 2.4.4 - r117 FuBar 3.6 - v3.6.6 FuBar_BartenderFu - v1.10 FuBar_DurabilityFu - r127 FuBar_ExperienceFu - FuBar_ExperienceFu-r73249.12 FuBar_FishingBuddyFu - Release-2.2g FuBar_GarbageFu - FuBar_GarbageFu_Prices - FuBar_GarbageFu_Prices-r36605 FuBar_HealBotFu - 3.0.2-1.00 FuBar_LocationFu - r140-stable FuBar_MoneyFu - v1.2.3 FuBar_OmenFu - FuBar_OmenFu-r66301.8 FuBar_RecountFu - v3.11-release FuBar2Broker - r88-release Gatherer - Gatherer 3.1.14 GathererDB WoWHead : Norganna's AddOns - 2009.09.12 GatherMate - v1.23 GatherMate_CartImport - v1.0 GatherMate_Data - v2.07 GearScore - GearScore 3.1.16 - Release(With BonusScanner) Geist - Geist v30200.1 HealBot Continued - RC6 IceHUD - 1.6.3 LibRock-1.0 - WoW-3.0-release-3 LightHeaded : Quest/Leveling/Reputation Mods - r304 Mappy - 3.0 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.4.78 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.9 OneBag3 - v3.3.11 PallyPower - v3.2.14 PallyPowerInfo - v3.1.03-release PallyPownage - PallyPownage 1.0.0 Perl Classic Unit Frames - 3.12 Prat 3.0 - 3.3.12 Quartz - 3.0.3 Rare Spawn Overlay - Rare Spawn Overlay 4.0.30100 RatingBuster - 1.5.0 Recipe Radar - 1.33 Recount - v3.3h release SatrinaBuffFrame - 3.1.20 SexyMap - v1.2.3p SimpleUnitFrames - v2.3.1 Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Carbonite] - v3.3 Titan Panel [Currency] - Titan Panel [Currency] Titan Panel [DualSpec] - 1.5.0 Titan Panel [Durability] - 1.16 Titan Panel [Friends] - Titan Panel [Gatherer] - v3.3.4 Titan Panel [Guild] - Version 3.6f Titan Panel [Professions] - v3.3.3 Titan Panel [RecipeBook] - v3.3.4 Titan Panel [Simple Mp3] - v3.3.1 Titan Panel Deadly Boss Mods - Titan DBM v2 TitanProfessions - 3.0.5 TitanRecount - 0.06 TotemTimers - 10.1.11 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.3.5

  • Pandion1872 added the tags New Patch Jun 23, 2010

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