Fubar plugins - Fubar has been updated, plugins haven't #3

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  • _ForgeUser1231500 created this issue Dec 14, 2010

    What is the issue?

    Fubar was finally updated - I know that people are busy, and I'm glad it has been, thank you.

    But... none of the pieces that plug INTO fubar are there.

    Only RestFu, ExpFu and QuestFu are updated.

    All the many others aren't;  GarbageFu, Heyfu, Groupfu, experience, friends, faction, repair, rep, all the many, many fubar plugins that make the addon so incredibly useful, and easily the addon with the most utility (aside from the "mandatory" three - Omen/Recount/DBM (or whatever bossmod addon you like) -- for sheer utility and helpfulness in managing things, Fubar can't be beat.

    I really am so very glad that Sylvanaar had time to update it (he's shown as the maintainer) and is active in many addons.

    Who do I speak to about all the other components?  It used to be that when Fubar was updated, the parts of it were also.  But the are all showing "OUT OF DATE" - and error messages - except for those three I listed above.

    How does this get fixed, or who do I ask or speak to, or what can I do, if anything?

    Thank you.

  • _ForgeUser1231500 added the tags New Other Dec 14, 2010
  • Forge_User_34805220 unassigned issue from wobin_dwonderdog Dec 16, 2010
  • Forge_User_34805220 self-assigned this issue Dec 16, 2010
  • Forge_User_34805220 posted a comment Dec 16, 2010

    It seems you're using the Release version, updating to the beta should "fix" it.

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