Filter for a raid #42

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to elkano
  • _ForgeUser2442701 created this issue Nov 1, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    The list is too big and I would like a way of showing the most important information. I would like something like this:

    - enter a new raid and wait till everybody buffed me
    - now press a button and the system should memorize all the current buffs and hide them
    - the system should now just display buffs only if they changed (for debuffs it would mean that they will be always displayed)
    - if a buff is missing then it should show its bar (maybe in red? but probably it should be configured)
    - if you get a new buff then it should show its bar (maybe in green? same than before). This could be the case for totems.
    - It would be nice if I could configure than the bars should be shown if they go below a given duration (for example 30 seconds.. or 10%..)
    - There must be a way of showing all the buffs / debuffs again (another button?) and creating a new filter (for example if someone leaves the raid and I get a new buff)

    Sorry if somebody already posted this enhancement, but I didn't find it. Please answer me if you don't understand my enhancement. I would love this enhancement. This would be great for a clean interface!!

    Thank you

  • _ForgeUser2442701 added the tags New Enhancment Nov 1, 2009
  • Elkano posted a comment Nov 2, 2009

    I think I got the general idea behind your suggestion but I won't have the time to code that currently. Also 3.3 seems to brink some new features wrt filtering buffs in the default UI so I'll check into these changes and see which of them I can apply to EBB, too. They don't do exactly what you want (eg no missing buffs iirc) bit large parts.

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