call the protected function '<unnamed>:ClearAllPoints() #147

  • tw_vincent created this issue Aug 22, 2018

    This pops up frequently in combat. Though not always at a predictable time, most often it is right at the start of combat early in a session.


    Error Details below:

    2x [ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED] AddOn 'ElkBuffBars' tried to call the protected function '<unnamed>:ClearAllPoints()'.
    ElkBuffBars\EBB_BarGroup.lua:261: in function `UpdateBarPosition'
    ElkBuffBars\EBB_BarGroup.lua:249: in function `UpdateBarPositions'
    ElkBuffBars\EBB_BarGroup.lua:367: in function `UpdateBars'
    ElkBuffBars\EBB_BarGroup.lua:347: in function `UpdateData'
    ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars-2.5.2-193.lua:1111: in function `UpdateGroups'
    ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars-2.5.2-193.lua:851: in function <ElkBuffBars\ElkBuffBars.lua:843>
    [C]: ?
    ...Inventory\Externals\Ace3\AceBucket\AceBucket-3.0-4.lua:73: in function <...Inventory\Externals\Ace3\AceBucket\AceBucket-3.0.lua:71>
    ...Inventory\Externals\Ace3\AceBucket\AceBucket-3.0-4.lua:87: in function `func'
    ...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceTimer\AceTimer-3.0-17.lua:57: in function <...rkInventory\Externals\Ace3\AceTimer\AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

  • Elkano posted a comment Aug 23, 2018

    Strange one since the frame should be one EBB created itself and shouldn't be protected in any way.

    Also, I'm not having any similar issues myself, so it could be an interference with some other addon.

    Sadly, hardly anything I can do about for the moment :/

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