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    Jan 17, 2010
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.3.0


    - Rewrote the comm code, it can now support syncing of an entire database (opt-in), all notes or syncing of specific gear for other people (still opt-in)
    - Added trusted checks in for everything but requesting/receiving players gear
    - Added chat message blocking if somebody goes offline while syncing, stops the "X is not online" spam
    - Fixed errors when receiving notes without user data attached to them
    - Fixed ratings below 1 being allowed
    - Added smarter throttling so it throttles by type of message instead of a generic one
    - Gear and notes no longer have to be loadstringed to be sent
    - Fixed inspections being ran on dead players
    - Fixed inspections being run on the player
    - Fixed group queue not being wiped before adding players to it
    - Fixed queue being processed while in combat
    - Fixed class icon not being reset if the unknown icon is shown in /eg
    - Fixed prune message
    - User info now shows the players role, rather than the primary tree they are in
    - Moved to checking IsTrusted rather than the trusted flag
    - Added a "Delete your note" button for players under the "Edit note" button, it's ugly I know, need to redo it all
    - Code restructuring
    - Pulled the friends and guild trusted code in
    - Split addon communication to its own option frame
    - Added the basic trusted options in, still need to add friends/guild checking
    - Slash command changes, /eg notes [name] will either request all notes from everyone in your guild or ask [name] for all of their notes, hard throttled at once per 30 minutes
    - Added /eg db [name] - Requests all the saved data people have on users in your guild, if [name] is passed then it requests it from the name only. This is opt-in through the addon communication category
    - Implemented trust checks
    - No longer killing data with a negative level
    - Accuracy reflagged to tank/physical ranged
    - Fixed add/edit notes being hidden but the button saying they were still shown in /eg
    - If brand new user data is found while /eg is open, the database panel will automatically update
    - Fixed belt buckle detection if an item has no sockets by default
    - Bad gear will be color coded to match enchants and gems
    - Fixed an error when inspecting someone who has not spent all their talent points
    - Beaming Earthsiege Diamond flagged as never
    - Removed comment safe encoding because it's done when serializing the tables
    - Enabled mouseover tooltip details, these only work for 3D world characters at the moment, working on adding it for mouseover
    - Strings will be safe encoded before being saved every time now

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