Implement An Alternate Blacklist #11

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to dhedbor
  • spiralofhope created this issue Jun 1, 2011

    I find myself on specific characters, where I want specific items to not be sent to any other characters.

    However, on other character I want the default rules to apply.

    For example:

    An alchemist and a blacksmith have a few things in common.  One of them is pyrium bars.  The alchemist uses pyrium bars to transmute to truegold each day.  The blacksmith uses pyrium bars for various things.

    - If pyrium is found on my alchemist, I want it to stay there.
    - If pyrium is found on my blacksmith, I want it to stay there.
    - If pyrium is found on any other character, I want it sent to my blacksmith.

  • spiralofhope added the tags New Enhancment Jun 1, 2011
  • spiralofhope posted a comment Jun 2, 2011

    Hmm, wait a second. That's the "global exclude" function, isn't it?

    I think I was thinking of something else then. If I can articulate it I'll open another ticket.

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