Cannot move Extra Abilities Button #2078

  • roglof created this issue Dec 11, 2022

    When  you do a quest that involves using an item, a button appears in the lower middle part of the screen, and it is really annoying because it covers part of my UI.  I am pretty sure this is what Blizzard calls the Extra Abilities button.  If I have Bartender active and I go into EDIT mode, I cannot access this button, and Bartender does not appear to have control over it.  The only way I can move it is to disable Bartender, then it shows up in EDIT mode, so then I can move it and reenable Bartender.  Would be nice if Bartender had a way to control this annoyingly placed button.

  • roglof posted a comment Dec 11, 2022

    Well, I was wrong, it is not the extra abilities button.  Sorry, I have no clue what it is, just wish Bartender could control it.

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