Bag Taint from BT4 #2075

  • Artillery371 created this issue Dec 9, 2022

    I'm consistently running into a taint issue caused by BT4 (at version 4.14.4)

    Essentially, on a warrior, whenever i change specialization and then go into a stance, i'm no longer able to right click on any item in my bag.

    I have a video demo'ing this:


    This is info that's showing up in my taint.log 

    12/9 13:09:24.084 Interface/FrameXML/ContainerFrame.lua:1589 GetBagID()
    12/9 13:09:24.084 An action was blocked because of taint from Bartender4 -
    12/9 13:09:24.084 UseContainerItem()
    12/9 13:09:24.084 Interface/FrameXML/ContainerFrame.lua:1409 ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick()
    12/9 13:09:24.084 Interface/FrameXML/ContainerFrame.lua:1461



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