Blizzard mouseover cast options is "blocked" #2037

  • crisby created this issue Nov 20, 2022

    Blizzard function - Mouseover Cast

    First thought SUF was causing the issue but running some more tests of disabling/enabling addons it stopped working with bartender active. 

    Would love to use the SUF since blizzard is not equipping me with proper functionality in that aspect but also bartender since they dont give enough options of making me happy and get a "clean" UI their either.

    Unfortunately with bartender active though I can not use the raidframes/partyframes to cast without mouseover macros on my teammates. Furthermore can only attack targets (using the nameplates) with mouseover macros instead of just the above mentioned functionality. Would love all to work together since then I can save hell of a lot in the macro department since you are limited there anyway per class so if you play multiple specs its uff :D

  • crisby posted a comment Nov 21, 2022

    Wasn't fully familiar that you have some in regard of mouseover cast in bartender aswell but from what I understand and tested it requires a modifier key to work and can not work without. Can you just make it also work without a modifier like the blizzard option?

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