Long wait time between "approve" clicks when buying multiple items #78

  • New
  • Defect
Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • Rerox created this issue Feb 6, 2011

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    When buying multiple items it takes between 5 and 10 seconds between each "approve" click.
    In the time between the button just stays grey (inactive)

    What version of the product are you using?
    No idea, 1.8.1 I think. Would be great if I could see that in game in the addon.

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    No sorry no log, since there is no LUA error.

  • Rerox added the tags New Defect Feb 6, 2011
  • Rerox posted a comment Feb 12, 2011

    Will we see any acknowledgement of the problems any time soon?
    It takes sometimes 20+ seconds to buy just a single stack out of maybe 20 stacks I want.

    Is there a way to disable the rescan function as mentioned in the other ticket?

    Edited Feb 12, 2011
  • _ForgeUser3368939 posted a comment Feb 12, 2011

    The auction API is fundamentally tied to Blizzard's default interface. Auctions have no global identifier, at least not visible through the API. Auctions can only be identified by their place in the search results. Placing a bid on a listing requires that listing to be in the most recent search results, thus necessitating at least one search.

    Re-finding a listing the user wishes to purchase that is no longer in the current search results is a guessing game. No addon can actually be sure that the listing found is the same one, all it can check for is that the listing is identical in all other respects (item, count, price, etc). People had been reporting that AuctionLite occasionally purchases the wrong listing, sometimes at the wrong price, thus additional checks were implemented.

    There's probably room for improvement, both in terms of reliability and performance. Looking at AuctionLite:QueryApprove(), there doesn't appear to be a particularly strong check to determine if the listing is the same as the desired one, especially in terms of price, which is probably where the problem with buying other items for large(r) prices crept in. I can only find one call to QueryAuctionItems(), and it doesn't use most of the arguments. I don't know whether using more of them would improve performance when doing a query intended to find a specific match.

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