Installing wrong version by default #56

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Assigned to merialkilrogg
  • _ForgeUser722523 created this issue Nov 14, 2010

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Installed Version



    Version 0.3 is being installed instead of version 1.7.1

    Installed Addons

    _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay Ace3 - Release-r981 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.9 Advanced Trade Skill Window - v0.8.0 Atlas - Atlas v1.17.2 Atlasloot Enhanced - v5.11.07 Auction Profit Master - v1.4 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.9.4961 AuctionLite - v0.3 BadBoy: Anti Spam Automatic Reporter - v6.208 Baggins_Auctioneer - r34-release Bagnon - 2.14.0b (No Guild Bank) Bartender4 - 4.4.13 CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 Deadly Boss Mods - Deadly Boss Mods 4.64-r4605 Elitist Group - v1.7.7 Explorer Coords - Explorer Coords 1.22 Factionizer - 40000.3 Fishing Buddy - 0.9.9c ForteXorcist - v1.966.5 Gatherer - Gatherer 3.1.16 GoGoMount - 4.0.25 Guild Craft - v3.5.4-release kgPanels - Mapster - 1.3.11 Market Watcher - Market Watcher 2.1 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.5.91 MonkeyQuest - v2.9.13 MoveAnything - 11.4.5 Omen Threat Meter - v3.0.11 OmniCC - 3.1.4 oRA2 - r673-release Outfitter - 5.0.3 Overachiever - achievement tools and tweaks - v0.57 PallyPower - v4.0.17 PitBull Unit Frames 4.0 - v4.0.0-beta17 Postal - v3.4.5 Power Auras Classic - 4.5 (fixed) Prat 3.0 - 3.4.10 Quartz - 3.0.4 QuestHelper - QuickMark - 3.14159265 RaidBuffStatus - v4.03 RankWatch - v1.11 RatingBuster - 1.6.2 Recipe Radar - 1.33 Recount - v4.0.1d release Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) - v. SatrinaBuffFrame - 3.1.25 SexyMap - v1.2.4 Skada Damage Meter - 1.2-30 TellMeWhen - TellMeWhen 1.5.4 Tidy Plates - 5.13.6 Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 3.0.4 TipTac - 10.11.12 Titan Panel - Titan Panel [Durability] - 1.19 TomTom - v40000-1.0.1 Violation - r492 VuhDo - VuhDo 2.68

  • _ForgeUser722523 added the tags New Other Nov 14, 2010
  • phanxaddons posted a comment Nov 14, 2010

    That would be a bug in the Curse Client, or a bug in the syndication system, not a bug in this or any other addon. Addon authors have no control over the site, or the Curse Client.

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