Allow 2D Portraits when 3D isn't able to show. #92

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser10251
  • _ForgeUser604658 created this issue Sep 10, 2009

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?
    Allow 2D portraits to show when the 3D one is not availble.

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Sometimes when a member joins a group they are out of range and they don't show a portrait when it's set to show 3D in options, until they come more in range which then it shows. My suggestion is to have it show the 2D portrait instead until the person becomes in range for the 3D portrait to show. That way you still get a portrait rather than just a blank square or a question mark. I used x-perl previously as thats how it handled out of range portraits and seems to work well. Would be nice to see this added to ag_uf.

  • _ForgeUser604658 added the tags New Enhancment Sep 10, 2009

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