Target of Focus' Target #43

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser10251
  • _ForgeUser715933 created this issue Jan 29, 2009

    Is it possible to have a unit frame for the "Target of my Focus' Target"?  It's not check-able on the default options, can I add it somehow?

    Why would I want this?  I currently set the main tank as my focus.  Then I have up my Focus' Target (which is normally the mob/boss the raid should be focusing on).  And now I can complete the circle if I can have the target of my focus' target (which would then be whoever has aggro).


  • _ForgeUser715933 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 29, 2009
  • _ForgeUser715933 posted a comment Jan 30, 2009

    Solved it myself :)

    If you want to add "target of focus' taret" yourself or add another non-default target you can follow these same steps: - Choose a target you don't need. I chose "pet's target" since I'm not a hunter. - Go into every .lua file and replace every instance the target's name (pettarget) with your desired new target name (focustargettarget). I think the only files I had to change was ag_UnitFrames, and ag_Options-enUS. - In the Options file, also change the description of the target for the GUI (Target of Focus' Target is what I called mine). - Restart WoW and setup your nice new target!

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