Sick Of Clicking Dailies

Auto Magically clicks though Daily Quests, and Turns them In.

Sick of Clicking Dailies is an addon designed to make picking up daily and weekly quests and turning them in easier and more streamlined when you quest in bulk.

This addon simply skips through all the quest text when interacting with the quest giver.

It also can auto magically skip through gossip options and select a quest reward for the ones that have them.

Now automatically detects daily quests. Repeatable quests that can be completed are also handled. Also automatically selects gossip options.

Includes 2nd LDB-Feed to keep track of daily quests done on all characters for a given realm.


The main options window is opened via /socd.


There you can choose rewards for quests that have rewards, enable previously disabled quests and disable previously enabled gossip options.



Bugs, Errors and Requests Go Here

Known Annoyances

  • Some NPCs have a repeatable quest, vendor or other dialogue option as well as a daily quest available, you will need to hold down the shift key in order to disable the addon for that particular click.

Random Features

  • Can now automatically select gossip options. Just enable the checkbox at the left side of the gossip option and it will be automatically selected the next time.
  • Includes 2nd LDB feed to keep track of daily quests done on all characters for a given realm.

Want to help?


If you would like to contribute feel free to or contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in taking over the project.


I'm always looking for translators for the various languages. Please see the Localization section of the project to contribute


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 11, 2008
  • Last Released File
    Aug 29, 2021
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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