
The following is a list of the commands and menu actions


mtarget, mtarget help

/mtarget help
Displays the list of commands and their description

mtarget set

/mtarget set variable
Sets the variable variable to the current target's name
/mtarget set variable=value
Sets the variable variable to the value value

mtarget list

/mtarget list
prints the list of all currently assigned variables and values to the chat window

mtarget clear

/mtarget clear {variable}
clear the assigned variable variable. Without an argument all assigned variables are cleared.

mtarget createtemplate

/mtarget createtemplate macroname
create a template from the macro - this template is then used to recreate the macros after the variables have been assigned.

mtarget listtemplates

/mtarget listtemplates
list the names of all the macro templates

mtarget showtemplate

/mtarget showtemplate macroname
show the contents of the template specified by macroname

mtarget deletetemplate

/mtarget deletetemplate macroname
delete the template specified by macroname.

mtarget resettemplate

/mtarget resettemplate {macroname}
reset the macro text for macro macroname to the template text. Without and argument, or with macroname all it will reset all macros. If you want to edit a template - you will need to reset it first and then edit and create a new template (which updates the template).

mtarget write

/mtarget write
create the macros from all the templates filling in the variables from the currently assigned variables. This is the manual equivalent to having the Auto Write Macros turned on.

mtarget broadcast

/mtarget broadcast {variable}
broadcast your variable variable to your party/raid. Without an argument it broadcasts all variables

mtarget resetbc

/mtarget resetbroadcast
clear any broadcast variables (sender accept, and batch flags) - this is primarily to clean up values if something goes wrong while developing/testing

mtarget config

/mtarget config
opens up the Interface addon options to the MTarget page.

Popup Menu Actions


This is displayed in the UnitPopup menu MTarget submenu (e.g. right clicking on a Unit Frame such as the target frame). It brings up the dialog to set assign the unit's name to a previous undefined variable. Combined this is equivalent to /mtarget setcode>.


This is displayed in the UnitPopup menu. All previously assigned variables and all variables defined in the templates are available in the UnitPopup menu MTarget submenu. This will assign the unit's name to the variable.

Menu Actions

Set Variable...

This is the equivalent to <code>/mtarget set variable=value. It brings up a dialog to enter the variable assignment in the form variable=value.

List Variables

This is the equivalent to /mtarget list.

Clear Variables

This is the equivalent to /mtarget clear.

List Templates

This is the equivalent to /mtarget listtemplates.

Reset Templates

This is the equivalent to /mtarget resettemplate all

Write Macros

This is the equivalent to /mtarget write

Broadcast Variables

This is the equivalent to /mtarget broadcast

Reset Broadcast

This is the equivalent to /mtarget resetbc


This is the equivalent to /mtarget config


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