
Harmonia is an addon which attempts to track real-time data relevant to the newly changed resto druid mastery Harmony. The addon assesses healing contribution by mastery and provides some potentially helpful information for druids looking to understand how strong or weak mastery is as a stat for a given encounter's healing patterns

Some credits:

  • Tiberria of US-Turalyon for suggesting the idea of such an AddOn
  • Koor for his formula for calculating average HoTs based on mastery healing contribution

Addon usage is currently enabled at all times. If healing data is captured during a combat cycle, you will see active HPS as well as how much of that healing is being contributed by mastery in a real-time bar. Upon the conclusion of combat, your healing data for that encounter will be processed and displayed a graph as well as a summary containing the following information. Raw healing, Healing contribution by mastery & average HoTs. Both the graph and bar are relocatable but currently not much customization other than that is supported.

The following HoTs are tracked by this addon:

  1. Lifebloom
  2. Regrowth
  3. Rejuvenation
  4. Rejuvenation (Germination)
  5. Wild Growth
  6. Spring Blossoms
  7. Cultivation
  8. Cenarion Ward

TODO list:

  • Enhance the addon using some additional Ace3 components: LibSharedMedia, AceEvent, AceDB

Anyone can feel free to modify this project to improve it. If you wish to take it over and make something legitimate out of it, please send me a PM.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jun 22, 2016
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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