
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.

Gnomexcel is a GUI (Gnomatron Unified Interface) for LibSpreadsheet.
It might not (yet) be able to serve you breakfast in bed, but you can do your tax return while you PuG!

Features in Gnomexcel

  • Import from CSV to Gnomexcel
  • Export your data to either CSV, XML or HTML format.
  • Use math functions like a pro!
  • Works with Excel/Calc macros!
  • Cut, copy or paste cells around to your heart's delight
  • Works with both text, numbers, WoW currency and WoW items
  • Drag items or spells into any cell to copy it to the spreadsheet.

Type /gxl or /gnomexcel to open up the program.

Math functionality

You can use Gnomexcel as a simple spreadsheet, or you can take advantage of the fully equipped math functions by adding a "=" to your data, just like in regular spreadsheet programs:

  • Standard math:
    • ABS(number) - Returns the absolute value of a number.
    • AND(expression1, expression2) - Returns true if both expressions are true, false otherwise.
    • AVERAGE(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the average (mean value) of the numbers specified.
    • CEIL(number[,significance]) - Rounds a number up to the nearest integer value or the nearest multiple of significance.
    • COS(number) - Returns the cosine of an angle.
    • COSH(number) - Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number
    • COUNT([range]) - Returns the total number of cells in the specified range that contains number values.
    • COUNTIF(statement, range) - Returns the total number of cells in the range that fits the statement (fx. ">= 4")
    • FLOOR(number[, significance]) - Rounds a number down (towards zero) to the nearest integer or multiple of significance.
    • IF(statement, trueResponse [, falseResponse]) - Evaluates the argument statement and returns the value trueResponse if the statement is true. If falseResponse is specified, it will be returned if the statement is false.
    • LARGE(k, number1, number2, ...) - Returns the kth largest value among the numbers passed, fx. the 3rd largest number in the range B1:D3
    • LEN(value) - Returns the length in characters of a number or a string.
    • LN(number) - Returns the natural logarithm of a number
    • LOG(number[,base]) - Returns the logarithm of the specified number to either 10 or the specified base number.
    • MAX(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the largest of the numbers passed.
    • MEDIAN(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the median (the number in the middle of all the numbers sorted numerically)
    • MIN(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the smallest of the numbers passed.
    • MOD(number, divisor) - Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor
    • MODE(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the most frequently occurring number among those passed.
    • OR(expression1, expression2) - Returns true if either expressions are true, false otherwise.
    • POW(number, power) - Returns the result of a number raised to a power, e.g. 42
    • ROUND(number) - Rounds the number to the nearest integer value.
    • SELECT(k, number1, number2,...) - Returns the k-th item in the list
    • SIN(number) - Returns the sine of an angle.
    • SINH(number) - Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number
    • SMALL(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the smallest of the numbers passed.
    • SQRT(number) - Returns the square root of a number.
    • SUM(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the sum of all numbers passed, e.g. SUM(B1:B7) or SUM(1,34,6,3).
    • SUMIF(statement, number1, number2, ...) - Returns the sum of all numbers that passes the statement (fx. ">25")
    • STDEV(number1, number2, ...) - Returns the standard deviation for the population passed.
    • TAN(number) - Returns the tangent of an angle.
    • TANH(number) - Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
    • UNIQUE(number1, number2, ...) - Returns a list of all the unique numbers passed.

  • WoW functions:
    • HEALTH([target]) - Returns the current health of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • MAXHEALTH([target]) - Returns the max health of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • POWER([target]) - Returns the current power (mana, rage, energy etc) of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • MAXPOWER([target]) - Returns the max power of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • MONEY() - Returns your current amount of money in copper.
    • LEVEL([target]) - Returns the current level of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • ARMOR([target]) - Returns the current armor of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • DEFENSE([target]) - Returns the current defense level of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • MOBTYPE([target]) - Returns the mob type (normal, elite, heroic elite etc) of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • RACE([target]) - Returns the race of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • CLASS([target]) - Returns the class of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • STRENGTH([target]) - Returns the current strength of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • STAMINA([target]) - Returns the current stamina of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • AGILITY([target]) - Returns the current agility of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • INTELLECT([target]) - Returns the current intellect of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)
    • SPIRIT([target]) - Returns the current spirit of [target] (or yourself if no target is set)

Math examples:

  • =SUM(C2:E7)/POWER(player)
  • =FLOOR(HEALTH(target)/STAMINA(target))
  • =B2 + C5

More information to come.


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