
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of World of Warcraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


Broker_PlayTimer reports how much time you've spent playing WoW today. It can display a reminder after you've played for a specified length of time, with a "snooze" reminder that comes up again later. Broker_PlayTimer includes timers for the current character (session, today, level and lifetime), daily timers for all characters on the account, time played today as Alliance or Horde, and the sum total played today.

Broker_PlayTimer was inspired by FuBar_PlayFu, and was originally created as a Data Broker plugin. This version doesn't actually require a broker display addon, though: It will work as a standalone add-on with its own minimap button. (It's nicer when used with a display addon, though. I recommend Bazooka, Fortress or Docking Station.)

You can help localize Broker_PlayTimer into other languages by going here.


  1. Download the PlayTimer plugin and drag the Broker_PlayTimer folder into the Interface/AddOns folder of your WoW directory.

Version History


  • Added the ability to pause the timer by alt-clicking on it.


  • Added "Example" button in options dialog to display a sample reminder.


  • Now usable as a standalone addon, with its own (optional) minimap button.
  • Added the LibSink library for even more reminder output options.
  • Timers now begin with 0 minutes (instead of 1 minute) to be consistent with the /played command.


  • Reminders can be delivered as whispers, chat messages, raid warnings, or via pop-up dialog box.
  • PlayTimer's "whispers" are now real whispers and respect the player's chat window settings.
  • No longer causes the output of the /played command to display in the chat window on startup.
  • Added an option to manually reset the timers.
  • PlayTimer is now ready to be localized into other languages.
  • Code cleanup and optimization.
  • Made a -nolib version.


  • First release.


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Dec 14, 2009
  • Last Released File
    Sep 18, 2011
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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