

  • SpellID corrections for Mists of Pandaria.


  • SpellID corrections for Cataclysm.


  • Overhauled preset categories to match (de)buff changes in 4.0.1/Cataclysm (big thanks to Malazee and many other folks at, as well as many folks on, and elsewhere for additional research into the new (de)buff categories).
  • Fixed a bug when displaying stacks on the spiral for auras that don't stack.


  • Updated SpellIDs for presets +% Damage (Ferocious Inspiration), +% AP (Abomination's Might and Unleashed Rage), +Melee Crit (Rampage) and +Spell Crit (Elemental Oath); the old SpellIDs were deleted by Blizzard when the respective auras became passive instead of procs. If you have trackers based on any of these presets, you may have to manually re-add the missing auras, or else delete and re-create the tracker from the preset.


  • Added support for weapon buffs / temporary weapon enchants (ticket #12). This only works for the player, and matches on the buff name without rank (i.e. "Rockbiter", not "Rockbiter 1"). Thanks to: "lxs" for submitting an example patch; "Kitjan" for NeedToKnow's weapon buff scanning algorithm; and "ckknight" and "Shefki" for Pitbull4's weapon buff icon guessing algorithm.


  • Removed obsolete SpellID 51880 from Stun tracker preset (Fire Nova Totem replaced by spell in WoW 3.3, talent no longer stuns).
  • Added error handling and logging for invalid SpellIDs in tracker presets.
  • TOC update for WoW 3.3.


  • Performance optimizations (hopefully to fix ticket #19).


  • Added preset (de)buff trackers. These buttons (in each window's "(Add Tracker...)" section) will create trackers pre-configured to track useful groups of (de)buffs.
  • Added support for SpellIDs in tracker (de)buff lists.
  • Added "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons to tracker settings windows, to rearrange them without having to unlock+drag.
  • When a font set via LSM disappears (i.e. by deleting the addon that provided it), Auracle will now smoothly reset it to the default (built-in) font rather than throwing errors.
  • The "Auracle Enabled" toggle is now remembered after logging out. This setting (like all others) will affect all characters that share the same Auracle profile, but note that Auracle will still consume some memory (but not CPU cycles) while disabled in this fashion, unless you disable it entirely from your "Addons" button on the character selection screen.
  • Fixed support for LibSharedMedia selection widgets (broken 0.4-beta).


  • No functional changes since beta 0.4, but it's about time to call this a release. Auracle is considered (for the moment anyway) stable and feature-complete, or at least feature-sufficient.

Beta 0.4:

  • overhauled the saved-variables update and validation routines; PLEASE NOTE: although this version should remain backwards-compatible with all previous versions (and you should not lose your setup), it is recommended to make a backup copy of your "WoW/WTF/Account/<account>/SavedVariables/Auracle.lua" file just in case (especially if you have a complicated setup!)
  • fixed a bug in target-of-(target/party/raid) tracking
  • added support for window visibility based on current stance/shapeshift/form (ticket #14)
  • added support for window visibility based on current talent spec (ticket #14)
  • added automatic global per-spec profile switching (via LibDualSpec)
  • added support for localization; if you would like to help translate Auracle, please visit
  • some of the libraries Auracle normally embeds are now optional; if you have installed without embedded libraries (advanced users only!), you may now safely disable AceDBOptions, AceConfig, AceConfigCmd, AceConfigDialog, AceConfigRegistry, LibDataBroker, LibDualSpec and LibSharedMedia (but will of course lose the associated functionality)

Beta 0.3.5:

  • added ConfigMode support (thanks Adirelle)
  • changed to MIT license

Beta 0.3.4:

  • trackers set to activate only for the player's auras ("mine") will now also activate for the player's pet or vehicle
  • added support for 3.1 API changes to UnitAura
  • fixed a bug in saved vars update (ticket #9)

Beta 0.3.3:

  • fixed a saved vars upgrade bug (attempt to index nil "plrInstance")
  • worked around an AceDB bug that caused the first window's visibility while out of combat to always revert to on after reloading the UI

Beta 0.3.2:

  • (hopefully) fixed a bug that caused saved variables to not update correctly from addon version 0.2.3 to 0.3.x
  • fixed a bug that caused changes to window visibility by group and combat status to not take effect immediately
  • window styles may now set scale and opacity, which will be inherited by trackers
  • windows may now set visibility based on instance type (none,battleground,arena,5man,raid)
  • tweaked "Always Update" for maximum stacks to only update on a new application of the aura (not, for example, charges being consumed without re-applying)

Beta 0.3.1:

  • fixed a bug in the saved var upgrade routine that made 0.3.0 inoperable for anyone who previously used 0.2.3
  • fixed a bug with window visibility by unit properties when changing a window's watched unit
  • windows and trackers now always become visible and tinted blue while unlocked

Beta 0.3.0:

  • fixed a bug that caused tracker spirals to flicker whenever any (even unrelated) aura changed on the unit
  • fixed a bug in window visibility by combat status
  • fixed a bug that sometimes caused autoupdating maximum stacks and durations to not show their current value in the configuration window
  • fixed a bug with window visibility by unit properties when changing a window's watched unit
  • added LibSharedMedia support for window borders and backgrounds, and tracker fonts
  • re-added tracker tooltips; if all tooltips are disabled (the default), then the tracker will remain transparent to mouse clicks
  • maximum stacks and duration values are now configurable separately for spirals and text
  • it is now possible to autoupdate maximum stacks and duration only upwards
  • moved tracker aura type, list and filter settings to the "Tracker" tab, and removed the "Aura" tab
  • removed the "white.tga" file from the distribution; tracker borders now use the (identical, built-in) "Interface\Buttons\WHITE8X8" texture instead
  • default window style background tiling is now off by default

Beta 0.2.3:

  • fixed a bug caused by setting both text sizes to 0 and reloading the UI
  • fixed a bug in the behavior of "Reset Profile", it should now leave the initial window and Default styles intact
  • added a LibDataBroker launcher to toggle the addon or open configuration